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They gave a proper kick for the start-up

“We started carry out the current state analysis of the operation and maintenance activities in 2019. As a result we got the O&M handbook. It contains information about how we run our power plants’, boiler plants’ and distribution network’s operation and maintenance activities more efficiently and in a more systematic way.”

“The majority of normal maintenance is based on procedures which are planned in advance. We wanted to get analyzed information to back up the decision making and to avoid unnecessary work stages. The goal was to get hold of wild and unplanned “ad hoc” – activity. In those cases work is done with too little knowledge and fast decisions. When the works haven’t been thought through in advance, the result might be expensive and poor, and the work may need to be fixed afterwards. The goal was also to enhance risk management and to find the possible root causes for the risks.”
“Now we are in the middle of implementation of the handbook’s procedures. Before Covid-19 we proceeded well, but since then organizing the trainings remotely due to Covid-19 and also due to big acquisitions made by our company, have caused pressure to the schedule. Nevertheless, things are moving forward. We should finish this project in couple of years. The next step is in December when MABCO will evaluate how we have progressed in the change management.”

“So far we have seen the benefits of having the handbook in a rapid decline of lightly planned “ad hoc”- activities.”

“The most important thing in change management is the commitment of the personnel. In addition to the third-party support also local understanding is needed so that the work will be suitable for the specific company. Also perseverance is needed to have enough strength to push things through for two or three years. It is raw work. If you don’t want to commit, it is worthless to order anything from a third party.”

“MABCO has given us a proper kick for the start-up. People at MABCO have also presented their own visions and challenged us well. Often when you start to execute a big change yourself you might end up choosing the easy way.”

“In my opinion the O&M expertise service provided by MABCO fits well for power production but also for every industrial field, for example paper and metal industries.”

“You can see from their work that they have worked in the field before and in companies which have valued efficiency. They have practical understanding form the field and experience from what should be done and what shouldn’t. They are also flexible – it is of course the customer who decides in the end how much services they wish to purchase.”

Kalle Patomeri
Production Director
City Energy
Vantaa Energy Ltd

Vantaa Energy Ltd
Vantaa Energy is one of Finland’s largest city energy companies, which produces heat and electricity, sells heat services and is responsible of building and maintaining its district heating network. The company invests in finding carbon neutral energy solutions and is phasing out the use of fossil fuels by 2026.  The city of Vantaa owns 60 % and the city of Helsinki owns 40 % of the company. The annual turnover of the corporation was 217 million euros in 2020 and it has 300 employees.